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Webtual Technologies 03 June, 2024

AI Applications Across Diverse Industries and Business Sectors

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly advancing in business, with developments in speech and facial recognition and robotics. AI helps create computer programs that can make decisions and solve complex problems with little human help. Businesses in many sectors, like...

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Webtual Technologies 28 May, 2024

Reasons to Choose React Native for Mobile App Development

Are you thinking about creating an app? If so, using React Native might be a great choice. It's becoming very popular, and many big companies like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, and Uber Eats use it. One of the best things about React Native is that you can...

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Webtual Technologies 15 May, 2024

What Is New in Laravel 11: New Features and Updates

With each release, Laravel continues to enhance its capabilities, and Version 11 is no different. Laravel 11 introduces a range of exciting new features and enhancements aimed at improving development speed, simplicity, and efficiency...

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Webtual Technologies 17 July, 2023

Everything You Must Know About AI in 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a game-changer in various industries, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and interact with technology. As we step into 2023, AI continues to evolve and shape our world in profound ways. In this blog ....

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Webtual Technologies 12 July, 2023

Why SharePoint migration is essntial for your business success?

businesses need robust and efficient tools to stay competitive and drive success. SharePoint has long been a popular choice for organizations to manage content, collaborate, and streamline workflows. However, if your ....

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Webtual Technologies 05 Sep, 2022

5 Ways You Can Develop User and Google Friendly E-Commerce Mobile App

Globalization has associated the limitations for business and communication as like never before. With the beginning of E-Commerce, the internet is renovated into a gigantic marketplace. Masses of successfully trades have appeared with the E-Commerce technologies and there are zillions folks...

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Webtual Technologies 01 Sep, 2022

Why is ReactJS Framework the first choice for web application development?

With the rise in global internet penetration, the need for dedicated web apps has skyrocketed. Compared to normal websites, the web application provides a more interactive user interface. Additionally, web application development provides greater flexibility in terms of integration of third-party tools.

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Webtual Technologies 20 Aug, 2022

5 Ways to Secure Your Digital Content

The number of internet users is increasing every year, so does the time spent online. According to Statista, in 2020, the number of active Internet users reached 66.6666 billion, which is 59% of the global population who spend 15 minutes spent every day on social media.

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Webtual Technologies 05 Aug, 2022

Internet of Things (IoT) Testing: Why Is It So Important?

The Internet of Things is on its way to becoming the largest software development and testing opportunity ever. IoT brings many new items to the table in terms of testing requirements, including some unusual devices such as home appliances, clock sensors, etc.

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Webtual Technologies 01 Jul, 2022

8 Reasons to Select Microsoft Dynamics 365 as Your CRM Solution

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions are data-driven, integrated platforms designed to manage and preserve company relationships and interactions with active and hypothetic customers.

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Webtual Technologies 09 Jun, 2022

8 Web Development Trends Every CTO Should Be Ready for in 2023

Web development trends change on an annual basis, large or small, depending on the dynamics of user preferences. For decision makers, it is important to get acquainted with them in order to face the ever-increasing competition in the same industries.

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